Joe Mercola estrogen is bad for you?

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The Clickbait Culture: Separating Fact from Fiction

The fitness industry is rife with clickbait headlines and absolute statements about how estrogen is detrimental to our health. But is it really that simple? The truth is, the relationship between estrogen and our well-being is much more complex. Let's explore the factors that influence estrogen levels and why it's important to look beyond the surface-level claims.

The Role of Toxic Burden and Metabolic Reactions

High estrogen levels in humans are not solely determined by hormones. Toxic burden, which includes exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds, and metabolic reactions can also impact estrogen levels. It's important to consider the bigger picture when assessing hormonal health and not solely blame estrogen for any physiological dysfunction.

Estrogen: Not Necessarily the Villain

Contrary to popular belief, estrogen is not inherently bad for our bodies. The...

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Can Hormone Therapy Raise Your Risk for Alzheimerā€™s?

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Hormone Therapy and Dementia Risk

Recent studies have actually shown that hormone therapy may lower the risk of developing dementia, especially if started in midlife. Younger women who begin hormone therapy early have a reduced risk of developing dementia. Additionally, combination therapy with estrogen and progestogen has been found to have a positive effect on dementia risk. However, it's important to note that taking combination hormone therapy after 10 years post menopause may raise the risk of developing dementia. So, the timing and duration of hormone therapy play a crucial role in its potential impact on dementia risk.

The Role of Synthetic Hormones

Some studies suggest that using synthetic hormones may actually decrease the risk of dementia. It's worth noting that the increase in dementia risk associated with hormone therapy might not be solely due to the hormones themselves, but could also be influenced by factors such...

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What I learned in school vs working with client's and patients

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Going Beyond Surface-Level Information

In school, the focus is often on memorizing facts and learning basic protocols. However, when working with clients and patients, healthcare professionals quickly realize that surface-level information is not enough. To provide optimal care, it is essential to consider lifestyle factors, stress levels, nutrition, and other aspects that could impact a person's health. This deeper understanding allows for more personalized and effective treatment plans.

Questioning the Standards of Health and Fitness

Over time, the standards for normal health and fitness have been lowered. Medical tests and fitness requirements have been adjusted to match the average American, who may not necessarily be healthy. This realization prompts healthcare professionals to thoroughly investigate health issues, even if initial tests come back normal. It is important to prioritize individualized care and consider all possibilities for...

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Top 5 hormone replacement myths: Check them out!

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Myth 1: Hormone Replacement Therapy Causes Hormonal Imbalance

Contrary to popular belief, hormone replacement therapy does not cause hormonal imbalance. In fact, it helps bring balance to your hormone levels, which naturally decline as you age. Hormones play a vital role in various bodily functions, and replacing them can help alleviate symptoms like sleep problems, cognitive difficulties, and brain fog.

Myth 2: Hormone Replacement Therapy is Only for Older Women

Hormone replacement therapy is not limited to older women. Starting HRT early can prevent significant drops in estrogen, bone loss, and cognitive decline. Even if you've already gone through menopause, HRT can still be beneficial after the age of 60. It's never too late to improve your quality of life and well-being.

Myth 3: Higher Doses of Hormone Replacement Therapy are Better

While it may seem logical that higher doses of hormone replacement therapy would yield better...

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The dark side of iron supplements

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Iron: A Double-Edged Sword

Iron is crucial for red blood cell production and carrying oxygen throughout the body. However, an excess of iron can cause metabolic imbalances and lead to various health issues. It's important to find the right balance when it comes to iron levels.

The Danger of Free Radicals

Excess iron generates an abundance of free radicals, which can have detrimental effects on health. These unstable molecules can damage cells and contribute to inflammation, hormonal dysregulation, and various diseases. Managing iron levels is essential to prevent the negative impacts of free radicals.

Lower Ferritin Levels and Health

Studies have shown that lower serum ferritin levels are associated with significantly lower mortality rates, particularly from cancer, metabolic disease, and cardiovascular disease. Maintaining optimal iron levels is crucial in reducing the risk of these serious health conditions.

Blood Donation: A Low-Risk...

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Most people are missing this.

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Are you aware of the transformative effects of spending time outdoors? Many people underestimate the impact that nature can have on our well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of embracing the great outdoors for better health and happiness.

The Missing Piece: Infections and Their Effects

Did you know that spending time outdoors can help protect you against infections? It may sound surprising, but it's true. Let me share a personal story. I once had a close encounter with a staff infection that almost led to the amputation of my leg. It was a wake-up call that made me realize the importance of taking precautions and prioritizing my health. Unfortunately, many people underestimate the risks associated with infections and the lack of effective solutions. By spending more time outdoors, we can strengthen our immune system and reduce the likelihood of falling prey to such infections.

Let the Sun Shine: Health Benefits of Outdoor...

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The Link Between Mind and Body: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

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Beliefs and Their Impact on Health

Our beliefs hold tremendous power over our health. Studies have shown that individuals who have a positive outlook and believe in their ability to heal are more likely to recover from illness and experience better overall well-being. On the other hand, negative beliefs and a pessimistic mindset can contribute to the development of disease and hinder the healing process.

Unleashing the Power of the Placebo Effect

The placebo effect, a phenomenon where belief in a treatment leads to positive health outcomes, demonstrates the mind's influence on the body. This effect highlights the importance of our beliefs and expectations in shaping our physiological responses. Harnessing the placebo effect through mindset and belief can enhance our overall health and well-being.

Mind-Body Medicine: Connecting the Dots

Mind-body medicine is centered around the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors directly impact our...

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Is Copper Toxicity Making You Sick?

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Understanding Copper Toxicity

Copper toxicity occurs when there is an excessive buildup of copper in the body. This can happen due to imbalanced mineral levels, exposure to copper through various sources, or hormonal imbalances. While copper is necessary for proper body functioning, too much of it can be detrimental to our health.

Detecting Copper Toxicity

One way to detect copper toxicity is through hair tissue mineral analyses. By analyzing the mineral content in the hair, experts can identify imbalances and determine if there is an excess of copper. Another method that may help is using Life wave patches. These patches use phototherapy to bind and utilize excess copper in the body.

Causes and Sources of Copper Toxicity

Copper is widely used in industrial and commercial applications, making its way into everyday items such as fungicides, pesticides, and copper piping. Additionally, hormonal imbalances, specifically an excess of estrogen, can...

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When exercise goes wrong exercise burn out

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Understanding Exercise Burnout

Exercise burnout occurs when individuals neglect self-care or engage in excessive high-intensity workouts without proper recovery. Symptoms include constant exhaustion, loss of appetite, and difficulty consuming enough food. This can lead to dependency on intense workouts for feeling good, but it ultimately results in a crash and low energy levels.

Recognizing the Signs and Making Changes

To avoid exercise burnout, it's essential to change your training style. Incorporate activities like weightlifting, walking, and relaxation into your routine. Prioritize adequate nutrition, sleep, and rest. Remember that exercise is a form of stress, and while it can be a good strategy to manage stress, there comes a point when the body lacks the resources to sustain it. Have conversations about underlying reasons for using exercise as a coping mechanism and explore alternative ways to address these issues.

Finding the Right...

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Should You Cycle Ashwagandha?

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The Importance of Lifestyle

Ashwagandha supplements alone cannot overcome a poor lifestyle. Youth today may be less resilient due to lack of outdoor activities and manual labor.

Understanding Adaptation

Cycling Ashwagandha is recommended to prevent tolerance and dependence. The body adapts to supplements, just like it does to training. Taking a break from certain supplements every 6 to 8 weeks is advised by some experts.

Consider Other Factors

Cycling caffeine and considering other factors for optimal energy is important. The use of caffeine should be cycled to maintain its effectiveness. Factors like sleep, diet, and relaxation should also be considered for energy levels.

Taking Responsibility for Your Well-being

Taking care of your own business is important. Replacing the tire instead of patching it is necessary in the long run. Prioritize self-care for better health and performance by engaging in regular maintenance activities like exercise...

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