How to become a patient at Dr. Stillman's practice

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The Initial Consultation Process

The first step to becoming a patient at Dr. Stillman's practice is to schedule a discovery call. This call aims to determine compatibility and discuss your health goals. It's an opportunity for both you and the practice to align on values and realistic expectations. This initial consultation is essential to ensure a strong foundation for your healthcare journey.

Practice Membership Evaluation

After the discovery call, you'll undergo a practice membership evaluation, which is priced at $95. This evaluation is designed to delve deeper into your health needs and goals. It's a crucial step to understand if Dr. Stillman's practice is the right fit for you, ensuring a personalized and effective healthcare approach.

Extensive Post-Membership Support

Once you become a member, Dr. Stillman's practice goes the extra mile to provide support. You'll have access to electronic records, easy appointment scheduling, and multiple...

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Birth control detox: How to get rid of the toxins that birth control can leave in your system (MMM)

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How to get off birth control and overcoming the side effects.

When it comes to hormonal birth control, women deserve comprehensive and informed counseling. Despite the rapidly growing birth control market, there is a lack of extensive education on the long-term impacts from doctors. Dr. Stillman believes that obtaining the right information is crucial for optimizing women's health and wellbeing.

The Rising Use of Hormonal Contraceptive Methods

In recent years, there has been an increasing prevalence in the use of hormonal contraceptive pills and devices. Many women turn to these methods due to endocrine system problems and environmental factors. However, there is a concerning lack of information and understanding about the potential downsides associated with using artificial hormones.

Bioidentical Hormones as an Alternative

Dr. Stillman advocates for the use of bioidentical hormones over oral birth control pills. Synthetic hormones found in oral...

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The divide in the road (are you ready)

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Book a call with Eric to learn more about our men's executive training coaching program

Welcome to Dr. Stillman, your trusted companion in making informed healthcare choices. Today, We explore the path that lies ahead and invite you to reflect on an important question. Are you truly prepared to take the next step in your journey towards optimal health and well-being?

Uncovering the Crossroads

Sometimes in life, we encounter a defining moment—a crossroads filled with possibilities and potential. When it comes to your health, this is no different. The divide in the road represents a pivotal moment—an opportunity to assess your current situation, explore new horizons, and make decisions that will shape your future.

Understanding the Implications

Choosing the right path at this juncture requires careful consideration. Are you fully aware of the consequences that lie on either side? Do you possess the knowledge and guidance necessary to...

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Dr. Stillman shares his PERSONAL labs...

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Dr. Stillman believes that personalization lies at the heart of exceptional healthcare. In this spirit, He humbly invites you to explore a unique glimpse into his own health journey through the sharing of his personal laboratory results. By opening up about his own experiences, Dr.Stillman leads by example, expressing his commitment to the highest level of care and demonstrating the importance of proactive health management.

Demonstrating Transparency and Trust

Transparency is a cornerstone of the patient-physician relationship at Dr.Stillman. By sharing his personal labs, He seeks to foster a sense of trust with his patients. This candid sharing not only showcases his dedication to evidence-based medicine but also underscores an unwavering confidence in the quality of care he provides.

An Inside Look at Health Optimization

By delving into Dr. Stillman's personal laboratory results, we gain insight into the meticulous approach he takes...

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The Fundamentals of Wellness (Secretes Revealed)

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Dr. Stillman believe in a holistic approach to wellness that considers all aspects of your life—physical, mental, and emotional. With that in mind, we've compiled some of our top wellness secrets to help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Nourish Your Body

The food and drinks you consume have a significant impact on your overall health. Make sure to eat a colorful and varied diet full of whole, unprocessed foods. Prioritize lean protein sources, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, and limit your intake of added sugars, saturated fats, and processed foods. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

Move Regularly

Regular exercise is critical for maintaining a healthy weight, strengthening your body, and reducing your risk for chronic disease. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. Incorporate strength...

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Unlocking the Hidden Power of Magnesium Supplementation

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Dr. Stillman understand the importance of achieving optimal health through comprehensive and personalized care. In this article, we delve into the hidden power of magnesium supplementation and how it can positively impact your overall well-being. Prepare to be amazed by the multitude of benefits this essential mineral offers.

Exploring the Magic of Magnesium

Magnesium is a remarkable mineral that plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions. From supporting heart health to regulating blood pressure, this unsung hero quietly works behind the scenes to keep our bodies functioning optimally. Despite its significance, many people may unknowingly suffer from magnesium deficiency.

Unveiling the Benefits

  1. Boosted Energy and Vitality: Magnesium is a key player in energy production, aiding in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Supplementation can help combat fatigue and revitalize your energy levels, allowing you to tackle daily tasks...

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What are optimal cholesterol numbers? (Monday Master Class)

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Understanding the Relationship Between Cholesterol and Hormone Levels

Cholesterol levels have a significant impact on hormone levels, and the optimal levels vary depending on individual health goals. While the traditional focus has been on lowering cholesterol levels, this may not necessarily be the most effective approach. Instead, healthcare professionals should prioritize reducing all-cause mortality and consider interventions that reduce overall mortality.

Optimal cholesterol levels differ based on individual goals and body mass index (BMI). Longevity can be achieved through a combination of factors, including diet and lifestyle choices. For instance, research consistently shows that caloric restriction tends to increase lifespan. However, it's important to note that caloric restricted animals may not have impressive physical appearances. Choosing between a fuller, more energetic life with more muscle mass or a thinner body depends on...

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In this membership, you'll gain access to a growing library of webinars where Dr. Stillman and Jim Laird unpack the most important information on health topics like blood pressure, thyroid issues, and moreā€”information you'd normally pay hundreds for in one-on-one consultations. Two new webinars are released every week, covering the topics you want to learn about.