Huberman Attia Melatonin Warning: Is this supplement really good for you?

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Different Opinions on High-Dose Melatonin

When it comes to the use of high-dose melatonin, opinions are divided. Some experts argue that high doses of melatonin can have adverse effects on hormone levels, while others believe that it is safe and effective. Dr. Huberman, in his video, discusses a study on melatonin and sheds light on this controversial topic.

Melatonin and Seasonal Breeding

Melatonin plays a crucial role in helping seasonally breeding mammals determine when to reproduce based on environmental factors. While humans are not seasonally breeding mammals, studies show that there is a seasonal pattern of reproduction in high latitudes. The increase in sexual activity during certain months may be influenced by melatonin levels.

Melatonin Use in Children

The use of melatonin in children should be approached with caution. While there is no real danger to short-term use, high doses of melatonin may have adverse effects on children. Parents...

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