How your shape effects your health

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Managing Body Posture Based on Structure

Understanding Extreme Postures: Explore the two extreme posture strategies – the extended arched posture and the swayback (Pooch belly) posture – and learn how to manage them for optimal wellness.
Exercises for Posture Management: Discover exercises like backwards bear crawls and flexion that can help you effectively manage and correct your posture.

Breathing Techniques for Efficient Airflow and Relaxation

The Importance of Proper Breathing: Learn why proper breathing technique is crucial for efficient airflow and relaxation.
Tips for Correct Breathing: Discover practical tips such as focusing on breathing silently through the nose and exhaling through pursed lips to enhance relaxation and improve your breathing pattern.

Enhancing Posture and Reducing Stress

Correcting Forward Head Posture: Understand how correcting forward head posture can significantly improve your breathing and overall well-being.
Impact of Posture on Breathing and the Nervous System: Explore how compressed and extended postures can affect your breathing and nervous system.
Opening the Rib Cage to Reduce Stress: Learn about the benefits of opening the front of your rib cage to reduce stress and improve breathing.
Alleviating Winged Scapula and Improving Stability: Discover how improving your posture can alleviate winged scapula and enhance stability in your body.

Exercise Selection for Better Biomechanics

Bodybuilding and Powerlifting Considerations: Explore how exercise selection in bodybuilding and powerlifting can impact posture, breathing, and range of motion.
Prioritizing Proper Technique and Range of Motion: Understand the importance of prioritizing proper exercise technique and full range of motion to avoid muscle imbalances and restricted movement.

Correcting Squat Form for Long-Term Benefits

Protecting the Hips and Knees: Learn about the proper form for squats, including squatting with arms out in front and a slight spinal flexion to reduce strain on the hips and knees.
Avoiding Limited Range of Motion: Discover how improper squat form can lead to limited range of motion and how to prevent this issue.
Harnessing the Power of the Skeleton: Gain insights into how changes in the shape of your skeleton can help manage torque on elbows, shoulders, and wrists.


Your journey towards wellness begins here with the Fundamentals of Wellness program led by Jim Laird and Dr. Stillman. By implementing the strategies and knowledge shared in this program, you can transform your health, posture, and overall well-being. Remember, change starts with taking that first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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In this membership, you'll gain access to a growing library of webinars where Dr. Stillman and Jim Laird unpack the most important information on health topics like blood pressure, thyroid issues, and moreā€”information you'd normally pay hundreds for in one-on-one consultations. Two new webinars are released every week, covering the topics you want to learn about.